Ontology load flag is set to True in contact manager's __enter__ method

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Ontology load flag is set to True in contact manager's __enter__ method

After having some issues with extending an existing ontology using Python as described in the docs, I had a look at the source code. What I found could be an issue, at least it should be mentioned in the docs:

The docs explicitly mention not to load an ontology before extending it ("Do not load the ontology here!"). When using the with-statement to "switch" to a certain ontology for extending it, the load flag of that ontology is set to True (line 873 in namepspace.py). This causes issues when subsequently loading an ontology using load(), as this has no effect, e.g. all individuals are not loaded. The workaround is to pass the reload=True flag.
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Re: Ontology load flag is set to True in contact manager's __enter__ method


Actually, the load flag indicate that the ontology is not empty. If you create manually the ontology, you should normally not load it, and vice versa. If you want to load it again, reload is indeed the best option.

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Re: Ontology load flag is set to True in contact manager's __enter__ method

Thank you for making this clear!