Onto.search(link = "*") not retrieving anything

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Onto.search(link = "*") not retrieving anything


I'm trying to use the onto.search() function to retrieve some entities from my ontology.
The issue is that I'm not retrieving anything.

I have a class named for example A:
I have sub classes named 1, 2 and 3 (for example).

I have another (unrelated) class B
Let's say I have an object property X

I then link as follow:
- 1 subclass of X some B
- 3 subclass of X some B

I then expect when asking onto.search(X = "*") to find some data.

What am I doing wrong? Or is there any issue?

Thanks, and don't hesitate to tell if you need more details explaination.

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Re: Onto.search(link = "*") not retrieving anything


onto.search() searches for asserted facts in the quadstore, but it does no perform any inferences. Thus, you can found individuals for which the "link" property is asserted, but not when the relation is asserted at the class level.

For working on classes, you need to use the reasoner: create a class equivalent to "link some Thing", run the reasoner, and see what it classified in this class.

I'm going to clarify the doc on this topic.

Best regards,
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Re: Onto.search(link = "*") not retrieving anything

Hi Jiba,

Ok it's clear so just to sumurize and make sure I correctly understood, I can't use search on classes but only if I create individuals on it.

For classes, I have to create a class with the prompt "equivalent_to" to make it work.

Thank you.