NTriples parsing error (or unrecognized file format) for DiseaseOntology

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NTriples parsing error (or unrecognized file format) for DiseaseOntology


I have problem with loading ontology from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DiseaseOntology/HumanDiseaseOntology/master/src/ontology/doid.owl', I get error:
OwlReadyOntologyParsingError: NTriples parsing error (or unrecognized file format) in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DiseaseOntology/HumanDiseaseOntology/master/src/ontology/ext.owl.

If I use Jupyter notebook with owlready2==0.21 I get error after first run and after second run it works fine.
I have this problem only with this onology.
Do you have any suggestions what can be done to get more robust solution?

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Re: NTriples parsing error (or unrecognized file format) for DiseaseOntology


The problem is that the DOID ontology imports another ontology (IRI = //raw.githubusercontent.com/DiseaseOntology/HumanDiseaseOntology/master/src/ontology/ext.owl ). This imported ontology is in the OWL functional format, which is not supported by Owlready.

A solution is to download this ontology, to convert it to RDF/XML or NTriple, and to save it on disk in a local cache. Then, you can either load it before DOID, or add the local cache directory to onto_path.

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Re: NTriples parsing error (or unrecognized file format) for DiseaseOntology

Thanks for response