Listing of Inverse Properties

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Listing of Inverse Properties

Via Python, I have defined an inverse property ("is_idealized_by") for an existing property defined in an OWL file ("idealizes").

When accessing an individual that has this property set (artifact.is_idealized_by), I retrieve the proper value. Now I expected the inverse property "is_idealized_by" to also be listed when calling "get_properties()" on this individual, however, this is not the case.

Is this a bug? Is there another way to retrieve a list of these inverse properties?
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Re: Listing of Inverse Properties


Individual.get_properties() should normally also return inverse properties. Here is an example:

from owlready2 import *

onto = get_ontology("")

with onto:
  class C(Thing): pass
  class p(Thing >> Thing): pass
  class i(Thing >> Thing): inverse = p

  c1 = C()
  c2 = C()

  c1.p = [c2]

print(c1.get_properties()) # prints "{t.p}"
print(c2.get_properties()) # prints "{t.i}"

In what kind of situations are you encountering this problem? Could you send me a small example to reproduce it?

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Re: Listing of Inverse Properties

Thank you for testing this. I could now find out, what line of code causes the example to fail:

from owlready2 import *

corax = get_ontology("")
sumo_cora = get_ontology("")

with corax:
    class idealizes(ObjectProperty):

with sumo_cora:
    class is_idealized_by(ObjectProperty):
        inverse_property = idealizes


my_design = corax.Design()
my_artifact = sumo_cora.Artifact()

print("artifact", my_artifact, my_artifact.is_idealized_by, my_artifact.get_properties())
print("design", my_design, my_design.idealizes, my_design.get_properties())

This code correctly prints
artifact sumo-cora.artifact1 [corax.design1] {sumo-cora.is_idealized_by}
design corax.design1 [sumo-cora.artifact1] {corax.idealizes}

However, when I comment the line "with sumo_cora:", this defining "is_idealized_by" in the corax namespace, that property is no longer listed:

artifact sumo-cora.artifact1 [corax.design1] set()
design corax.design1 [sumo-cora.artifact1] {corax.idealizes}

Is that intended?
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Re: Listing of Inverse Properties


I think the problem is the use of reload(). It reloads the ontology, but previously remove its current content -- thus removing the inverse property assertion.

If you want to modify an existing ontology, you should load it, and then modify it, as follows:

from owlready2 import *

corax = get_ontology("").load()
sumo_cora = get_ontology("").load()

with corax:
    class idealizes(ObjectProperty):

#with sumo_cora:
    class is_idealized_by(ObjectProperty):
        inverse_property = idealizes

my_design = corax.Design()
my_artifact = sumo_cora.Artifact()

print("artifact", my_artifact, my_artifact.is_idealized_by, my_artifact.get_properties())
print("design", my_design, my_design.idealizes, my_design.get_properties())

This code works as expected, with is_idealized_by defined in either ontology.

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Re: Listing of Inverse Properties

Thank you for investigating this. Knowing that an ontology first needs to be loaded before being extended is very valuable!

I would suggest to make this clear in the documentation, too, as one can get the impression and this is not required and even not suggested:

* Forward declarations tells you, that definitions are extended (but I guess this is quite limited?)
* Associating a Python module to an OWL ontology tells you that the ontology should _not_ be loaded before extending it (but I guess that only holds true then for empty ontologies?)
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Re: Listing of Inverse Properties

I forgot to mention that I did some more variations to see where the issue comes from. In a previous post, I showed that the code works when specifying the inverse property in another ontology using `with`. However, this does not work when setting the namespace using the class property:

with corax:
    class idealizes(ObjectProperty):

class is_idealized_by(ObjectProperty):
    namespace = sumo_cora
    inverse_property = idealizes

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Re: Listing of Inverse Properties


I obtain the same results using the namespace attribute, as in the following example:

from owlready2 import *

corax = get_ontology("").load()
sumo_cora = get_ontology("").load()

with corax:
    class idealizes(ObjectProperty):

class is_idealized_by(ObjectProperty):
    namespace = sumo_cora
    inverse_property = idealizes

my_design = corax.Design()
my_artifact = sumo_cora.Artifact()

print("artifact", my_artifact, my_artifact.is_idealized_by, my_artifact.get_properties())
print("design", my_design, my_design.idealizes, my_design.get_properties())

Is it the same for you?

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Re: Listing of Inverse Properties

That works, yes. The issue on my side was that I did not load the ontologies before defining the properties.