KeyError in destroy_entity

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KeyError in destroy_entity


I'm trying to destroy some annotations properties and when a run a code like this


onto = get_ontology('file://ontology_path).load()

ann_props = [ann for ann in onto.annotation_properties()]

for ann_prop in ann_props:
    if 'obo.RO_0002514' in str(ann_prop):
I get this error:
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
/Users/citlallimejiaalmonte/Documents/ECCO/ontologies/MICRO/Fixing_logic/looking_for_error_insertion in <module>()
     30 for ann_prop in ann_props:
     31     if 'obo.RO_0002514' in str(ann_prop):
---> 32         destroy_entity(ann_prop)
     34 # for ann_prop in ann_props:
/Users/citlallimejiaalmonte/Library/Enthought/Canopy/edm/envs/User/lib/python3.5/site-packages/owlready2/ in destroy_entity(e)
    384         delattr(s, e._python_name)
--> 386     del[e._python_name]
    387     del[e._python_name]
KeyError: 'RO_0002514'

when I run almost the exact same code (only the entity name changed), I successfully destroy the entity.
onto = get_ontology('file://ontology_path).load()

ann_props = [ann for ann in onto.annotation_properties()]

for ann_prop in ann_props:
    if 'obo.BFO_0000054' in str(ann_prop):


What is going on?

Also, I'm trying to remove these annotation properties to fix some "Illegal redeclaration of entities". In other words, I have an ontology which uses the same IRI for an object property and for an annotation property. I would like to destroy only the annotation property, is this possible?

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Re: KeyError in destroy_entity


You are right, there was a bug when detsroying assertion property. I fixed it in the development version.

Regarding the "Illegal redeclaration of entities" problem, I think you need to solve it at the RDF level (not OWL, because destroying the property in OWL will destroy it entirely).

Of course, the easiest solution is to manually edit the ontology file. You may also use RDFlib or Owlready to delete the undesired RDF triple.

Best regards,