Kernel notebook in Jupyter keep died and restarting

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Kernel notebook in Jupyter keep died and restarting

Actually when I am using list(onto.classes()) command in jupter notbook, kernel dies and asking me to restart.

It is because of large comoutations i think. But there are only 47 classes when I used owl file in protege.

Can you suggest how to avoid jupyter notebook from dying when executing this command

Any suggestions are welcome.
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Re: Kernel notebook in Jupyter keep died and restarting

Mike Bergman
I have also just started to experience this problem, which had not appeared before. If I find any clues as to what might be happening, I will post my findings here.
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Re: Kernel notebook in Jupyter keep died and restarting

Victor Fabre
I have experienced the same problem. Did you find any clues on how to solve it?