IoT Owlredy2 Ontology Semantic Api

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IoT Owlredy2 Ontology Semantic Api

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Hello everyOne,
I need your help.

I have to build an IoT  Rest Api with Semantic///--> for every Component in the system or most of them (i do not care about sensors). I Was thinking to use owlredy2 to create objects and save them to sqlite3 (with owlready2 support it )/.
Is the Owlready2 appropriate tool to be part and moreover to establish the Semantic for the rest application.

First, I extract the classes from the owl file after I extend these classes to my system classes. Then I Create individuals, and finally, I delete individuals when I have to ./
In the end, I will have all class hierarchy  and Class relationship from the owl file (at the beginning)

Thanks in advanced for your answers.
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Re: IoT Owlredy2 Ontology Semantic Api

is anyone familiar with IoT and Owlredy2 project?
I can't find examples. Only with medicine and materials(one example )

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Re: IoT Owlredy2 Ontology Semantic Api

You might want to look at the fiesta ontology:
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Re: IoT Owlredy2 Ontology Semantic Api

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Thank you .. Fiesta. :)

I wiil use saref families ontologies  and I am looking for an implementation with owlready2.
Is there any example of   IoT with owlready2 ..
  OR  ---
-->  just owlready2 for a  working (production) example .
I found one example with Materials but there has the  definition of ontology  in my case i will use predefined ontologies .

Thank You .