Inverse property is not updated when referenced entity is destroyed

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Inverse property is not updated when referenced entity is destroyed

A code snippet say more than a thousand words or so, so here is a code snippet that demonstrates what I think is an owlready2 bug:

from owlready2 import *

o1 = get_ontology("")

with o1:
    class A(Thing):

    class B(Thing):

    class C(Thing):

    class a_to_b(ObjectProperty):
        domain = [A]
        range = [B]

    class b_to_c(ObjectProperty):
        domain = [B]
        range = [C]

    class c_to_b(ObjectProperty):
        domain = [C]
        range = [B]
        inverse_property = b_to_c

    a = A()
    b = B()
    c = C()

    a.a_to_b = [b]
    b.b_to_c = [c]
    assert c.c_to_b == [b]


    assert a.a_to_b == []  # asserts to True
    assert c.c_to_b == []  # asserts to False

Two properties point to entity b, one is a "direct" property, one is an inverse property. When b is destroyed, the direct property is currectly updated, the inverse one is not.

I already had a look at the code: In, in destroy_entity (line 942), the modified relations that are collected are only the direct relations, not the inverse ones.
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Re: Inverse property is not updated when referenced entity is destroyed

Here is a patch that fixes the issue for me. Don't know, if this is the right way to implement it, though :-)

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Re: Inverse property is not updated when referenced entity is destroyed


Thank you for reporting and fixing this bug. I integrated your patch in the development version in a slightly modified version.
