Thank you for the explanation.
What you say makes sense, it is however not so user friendly: If I want to make updates to an individual, which includes removing previously set properties, I first have to switch to another ontology for removal of triples (if they were defined in another ontology), before I can add new triples.
What happens in the following case?
with o1:
a.prop = [b1, b2]
with o2:
a.prop = [b1, b3]
I guess b2 is not deleted and b3 is added in o2. I guess owlready2 is smart enough to recognizes that the relation to b1 hasn't changed and keeps it?
Is a relation always defined in the ontology where the subject is residing in?
> Also, notice that "assert b.child is None" is not a valid test here because b.child is a list. You should rather use "assert not b.child" or "assert b.child == []".
Yes, thanks!