Thank you, for the provided information. However, I do not understand the use case deep enough to propose a solution.
I submitted the original change to enable the `pip install -e .` mechanism for owlready. This turned out to be nontrivial without changing its current directory structure – which should be kept for compatibility reasons.
Because I introduced the current behavior I feel somehow responsible for it and I want to contribute to fix this.
To work on this, the following information would help:
- What is the expected outcome of your use case `python setup.py pytest` (I tried your minimal example and got no apparent error)
- What operating system are you working on? (apparently installation on windows might behave differently than on Linux)
- How does one setup a local pypi repository (this seems to be needed for debugging and testing)
I think this issue might require some further communication, which probably is too special for the interest of the whole Owlready2 mainling list. Therefore, I propose, you fetch my email address from the
commit (→ "View raw commit") and contact me personally. Then, hopefully, we could resolve this quickly. I am also open to have a short screen sharing session if that helps.
Best, Carsten