Importing a regional SNOMED-CT file

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Importing a regional SNOMED-CT file

Are there methods to read a regional/international SNOMED-CT file, as I think there were in pre-owlready versions of PyMedTermino? I'm referring here to the versions available via .

I don't think (correct me if I'm wrong!) that these are included within the UMLS releases (only the US version is, I think?).
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Re: Importing a regional SNOMED-CT file


I'm sorry, Owlready2 currently only support the importation of the data from UMLS. (Actually there is no regional version for my country, France).

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Re: Importing a regional SNOMED-CT file

Ah, I'm in Belgium, where there's one covering French and Dutch terms. Do you happen to know of a useful library that will convert the regional SNOMED-CT file to OWL format?
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Re: Importing a regional SNOMED-CT file

No, sorry. I have no useful information on these regional files :-(
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Re: Importing a regional SNOMED-CT file

For anyone else finding this thread, teh solution was:

Use to combine the Snomed-CT international edition and the desired regional file(s)

Use Protege to convert the resulting Owl file to rdf/xml

On doing this there's an issue with getting owlready2 to read the resulting structure: - I've opened a separate thread on that one.