Import ontology with existing swrl rules

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Import ontology with existing swrl rules


I imported an ontology with a set of swrl rules, that was built using Protege, using get_ontology.load().

However, I am unable to find the swrl rules or reason with it in the ontology object after importing.

The swrl rules are also missing when I saved the ontology loaded using owlready2.

I found documentation on how to create swrl rules in owlready2 but I cannot find any information about importing existing swrl rules in the ontology. Is this possible?

Appreciate any help given. Thank you!
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Re: Import ontology with existing swrl rules

This post was updated on .
I have had same trouble because my ontology was saved in OWL/XML format instead of RDF/XML format (from Protégé editor).
Since I do that I see rules in code. It works for me...
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Re: Import ontology with existing swrl rules


Saving it in RDF/XML works for me too.

Thanks a lot!