Implementation of General Class Axioms or left-handside logic?

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Implementation of General Class Axioms or left-handside logic?

Dear Jean Baptiste,

I am curretly working on an ontology which is using "General Class Axioms" or left-handside logic, and i could not find out whether owlready2 currently supports such expressions. Therefore i would be greatful if you can tell me, whether owlready2 supports this logic. If owlready2 supports this logic, can you give me a small example or a link to such an example? If not, do you know of an alternativ/workaround to left-handside logic in owlready2?

An example of left-handside logic, and its application in protege, can be found in this link:

Best regards and gratefull for any help you can provide
Hendrik Borgelt
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Re: Implementation of General Class Axioms or left-handside logic?


Owlready2 did not support general class axiom, but I've just added some basic support in the development version on BitBucket.

You can list general class axioms with Ontology.general_class_axioms:

gcas = list(onto.general_class_axioms())

The .left_side and .is_a attribute can be used to analyse the content.

You can also created general class axioms as follows:
    with onto:
      gca = GeneralClassAxiom(onto.Disorder & onto.has_location.some(onto.Heart)) # Left side
      gca.is_a.append(onto.CardiacDisorder) # Right side

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Re: Implementation of General Class Axioms or left-handside logic?

Many thanks for the quick help, especially for the quick realisation in the code.
I haven't had time to test the code yet, but hopefully I'll be able to come back and tell you that it was a full success. The code will be very useful for me.

Best regards,
Hendrik Borgelt