How to store an instance with different ONTOLOGY Prefix.

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How to store an instance with different ONTOLOGY Prefix.

How to store an instance with different ONTOLOGY Prefix.

Suppose an ontology is named "MainOntology" and the other ontology is named "SubOntology". If I want to store the instances within SubOntology where the instances are rdf:type of MainOntology.

Do you think this is possible?

Thanks so much in advance.

Kind regards,
Mayank Singh
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Re: How to store an instance with different ONTOLOGY Prefix.


You can do this easily, by creating 2 ontologies.

Here is an example :

from owlready2 import *

main_onto = get_ontology("")
sub_onto  = get_ontology("")

with main_onto:
    class MyClass(Thing): pass

sub_onto.imported_ontologies.append(main_onto) # Not strictly needed
with sub_onto:
    my_instance = MyClass()"/tmp/main_onto.owl")
sub_onto .save("/tmp/sub_onto.owl")

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Re: How to store an instance with different ONTOLOGY Prefix.

Thank you so much for your help as always! :D