How to specify the java.exe path when deploying an app to heroku

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How to specify the java.exe path when deploying an app to heroku

In my django project I am using Owlready2. Currently, I do owlready2.JAVA_EXE = "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_221\\bin\\java.exe" to specify the path to the java.exe.

Now, I do not know how to specify the java.exe in for my django project when deployed in heroku. Does anyone know how to do this?
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Re: How to specify the java.exe path when deploying an app to heroku


I never used Heroku, but I think you can still use owlready2.JAVA_EXE in the same way.

You'll have to locate the Java VM on the Heroku, and/or to install it if it is not yet installed.

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Re: How to specify the java.exe path when deploying an app to heroku

Yeah, thanks. My problem is more on how to find the path to the install java.exe on heroku.