How to get synonyms and other properties?

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How to get synonyms and other properties?

I got the following error when I use get_properites(). What is the correct way to get the synonyms?

>>> from owlready2 import *
>>> onto = get_ontology('/tmp/EFO.owl')
>>> onto.load()
>>> onto.search_one(label='HEK-293 cell').get_properties()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: get_properties() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
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Re: How to get synonyms and other properties?

get_properties() is for individuals. To get the value of a property or an annotations, just use onto.search_one(label='HEK-293 cell').<your_property_name>, for example onto.search_one(label='HEK-293 cell').synonym

Best regards,