How to convert owl to json with Owlready2?

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How to convert owl to json with Owlready2?

I'd like to convert owl format to json format. Is there a way to do so with Owlready2? Thanks.
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Re: How to convert owl to json with Owlready2?


This can be done using Owlready2 for loading and accessing an OWL ontology and the json Python module for writing a json file.

However, you still have to translate the OWL construct in JSON -- I'm not aware of a standard way for representing ontologies in JSON.

Kind regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13

> I'd like to convert owl format to json format. Is there a way to do so with
> Owlready2? Thanks.
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Re: How to convert owl to json with Owlready2?


I don't know what methods I need to use to access an ontology. What is the code in Owlready2 equivalent to the following code?

import pronto
ont = pronto.Ontology('/tmp/doid.owl')
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Re: How to convert owl to json with Owlready2?

There is no ".json" equivalent in Owlready : Owlready support the RDF/XML and NTriple file format (and OWL/XML read-only).

As far as I know, there is no standard JSON ontology format.