How to assign rdf:type attribute to a class in existing ontology

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How to assign rdf:type attribute to a class in existing ontology


I am looking at NCBI taxon ontology

A taxon is define like:

<owl:Class rdf:about="">
  <rdfs:label rdf:datatype="">Hysteriales</rdfs:label>

I wish to use owlready2 to load the ontology and add an attribute like:

<owl:Class rdf:about="">
  <rdfs:label rdf:datatype="">Hysteriales</rdfs:label>
  <rdfs:type rdf:resource="http://xxxxx/xx/xx#Taxon"/> 
I did not find any clue in documentation talking about set the rdf:type.

But it does able to search type like"xxx"), so I think the information is captured in owl ready.

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Re: How to assign rdf:type attribute to a class in existing ontology


Adding rdf:type to a class is normally not used in OWL, and not supported directly by Owlready (it seems that it is the same for Protégé).

However, you can assert the RDF triple directly as follows:

onto._add_obj_triple_spo(obo.NCBITaxon_191554.storid, rdf_type, Taxon.storid)
