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How to access triples using Owlready2?

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How to access triples using Owlready2?

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I am able to load an OWL file, and access its classes, object_properties and data_properties.
How do I access ALL the triples that exist in the OWL file?
The get_triples() method expects one to pass the subject, object and predicate as an argument. I just want a list of all the triples.
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Re: How to access triples using Owlready2?

1186 posts

> The get_triples() method expects one to pass the subject, object and
> predicate as an argument. I just want a list of all the triples.

The subject, object and predicate argument may be None if you want to not restrict them. So your can do get_triples(None, None, None).

Best regards,

> I am able to load an OWL file, and access its classes, object_properties and
> data_properties.
> How do I access ALL the triples that exist in the OWL file?
> The get_triples() method expects one to pass the subject, object and
> predicate as an argument. I just want a list of all the triples.
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