How to access inactive concepts?

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How to access inactive concepts?

Kim Tang

is it possible to access inactive concepts through their identifiers to retrieve information about them, such as their label?

For example I want to access the concepts for "COVID-19 vaccine declined" as shown in the SNOMED-CT Browser (International Edition, inactive concepts enabled):

If I try to retrieve an inactivated concept through PYM, it seems to be present through its ID, but with no other information stored:

In my use case I am working with a dataset which has partially outdated SNOMED-CT IDs for which I want to retrieve labels and ideally replace the IDs with the current IDs.

Is there any way to achieve this with PYM?

Kind regards,
Kim Tang
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Re: How to access inactive concepts?


When importing UMLS in PYM, suppressed concepts are removed by default.

This can be controlled by the "remove_suppressed" argument of import_umls(). The default value is "OEY", which corresponds to concepts (and relations) marked with O, E or Y (these are suppressed codes in UMLS, but I do not remind the exact distinction between them).

In order to keep everything, just use remove_suppressed="".

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Re: How to access inactive concepts?

Kim Tang
Ah that's good to know, thanks for clarifying the different available options!