How to accelerate the speed of execution?!

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How to accelerate the speed of execution?!

Hi Jiba,
I want to know if it’s possible to accelerate the performance so that che code is speeder in execution. I have read the possibility to use cython library to use owlready_optimazed but I don’t understand how to implement it. Is necessary to install before cython and the owlready and create a mix of python code and C code? Is there an hardware instrument to buy for accelerate the execution of python code? Is there an other software instrument to the python code to be faster?
Many thanks.
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Re: How to accelerate the speed of execution?!


Cython can be used (during installation) to compile parts of Owlready in C. Currently, only parsers are available in Cython, so it can speed up OWL parsing by about 20%, but that's all.

Additionnaly, you can use Owlready with PyPy3. It is not faster for manipulating ontology, but PyPy3 is faster than Python for computation in general.

The main question is : what do you want to speed up ? Is it reasoning, loading, computing, searching, SPARLQL,... ?
