How i fix this Error loading an ontology in owlready2

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How i fix this Error loading an ontology in owlready2


Hi friends, thanks for taking the time to resolve the issueI. Attach the code and error that it throws me

Code : from owlready2 import *
import os
onto = get_ontology("file://C:/Users/achev/Documents/Carro.owl")
n_classes = len(list(onto.classes()))

File "c:/Users/achev/Desktop/Proyecto de grado/Python/", line 4, in onto = get_ontology("file://C:/Users/achev/Documents/Carro.owl").load() File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\owlready2\", line 810, in load if self._load_properties() File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\owlready2\", line 849, in _load_properties raise TypeError("'%s' belongs to more than one entity types (cannot be both a property and a class/an individual)!" % Prop.iri)
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Re: How i fix this Error loading an ontology in owlready2


It seems that, in your ontology, an entity is both an individual and a class. This is not supported by Owlready ; other tools (like Protégé) accept it but the semantics is not clear.

In the full error message, you should have the name of that entity.

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Re: How i fix this Error loading an ontology in owlready2

Hello, thanks for answering, exactly that has been the solution.