I have 2 ontologies:
- Ontology 1 contains a class A with property has_title and the individual 'a' 'has_title' 'title1'.
- Ontology 2 (with different base IRI) contains class B with property has_title and individual 'b' 'has_title' 'title2'.
If I load Ontology1 and then print the individual value, I get:
print(onto1.a.has_title) -> 'title1' (correct)
Now, if after loading Ontology1, I load Ontology2 (which contains a has_title property with different base IRI), I get:
print(onto1.a.has_title) -> None (?)
print(onto2.b.has_title) -> title2 (correct)
If I invert the load order, then the opposite is true:
print(onto1.a.has_title) -> title1 (correct)
print(onto2.b.has_title) -> None (?)
Is this behaviour expected?
If so, can I somehow set the namespace beforehand and keep using this syntax?
Many thanks.