Getting values from rdf list

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Getting values from rdf list

The ontology I am currently working with contains some enumeration datatypes defined the following way:

  <rdfs:Datatype rdf:about="">
                <rdf:rest rdf:resource=""/>

Now I want to derieve the list values (Released / Forcast) from the DataType using the owlready2 python module but cannot find a way to access them. Could you please send some advice how to access the values from the list.

thanks a lot, Christian
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Re: Getting values from rdf list


Enumerated datatypes were not yet supported in Owlready, but I've just added some basic support in the development version on BitBucket.

With that version, you can access the enumerated datatype as follows:

>>> print(onto.scheduleStateEnum.equivalent_to[0].instances)
["Forcast", "Released"]

Best regards,
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Re: Getting values from rdf list

Hi Jiba,

thanks for your support. I will check this out.

best regards, Christian