Get the ontology and save back the ontology to a file server, such as Amazon S3

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Get the ontology and save back the ontology to a file server, such as Amazon S3

I would like to host an ontology on a file server. In my application, I would to get the ontology from the file server. Next, users will populate the ontology with facts and then save back the ontology to the file server. Can the save method for the ontology does this?
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Re: Get the ontology and save back the ontology to a file server, such as Amazon S3


No the save() method can only save to a file or a file-object. It is up to you to move the file on the server, or to open the remote file on the server as a Python file object.

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Re: Get the ontology and save back the ontology to a file server, such as Amazon S3

Thank you for this information. I will look into it.