Fuzzy DL with python ?

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Fuzzy DL with python ?


I went from OWL API to Python with Owlready (it's a lot easier to manipulate ontologies).
I'm currently working with Fuzzy Description Logic in my ontologies with OWL API (Java).

I'm curious how hard is it to import a modified version of the reasoner fuzzy DL as it was done with Hermit and Pellet.
Or do you think of integrated such DL and reasoner in the future ?

Thank you for your time,
Best regards,

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Re: Fuzzy DL with python ?


To integrate a new reasoner, you need to call the reasoner from command-line (if the reasoner has no command-line option, you thus need to add it). Then, you need to parse the output results and apply the inferred fact in the Owlready quadstore. For this last task, the reaosning.py module already has a generic function (common to both Pellet and HermiT).

Adding a new reasoner should be relatively easy, provided that the reasoner can be used in command-line. In addition, for Fuzzy DL, it will depend whether the inferrence are fuzzy or not and how this "fuziness" is stored (I never used Fuzzy DL so I cannot help you on that point).
