Extracting/saving ontology subset

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Extracting/saving ontology subset

I'm attempting to use owlready to load an ontology, then extract a node and all of its descendants and save this subset as a new ontology.

So far I have:

onto = get_ontology("http://www.lesfleursdunormal.fr/static/_downloads/pizza_onto.owl").load()
topping_desc = onto.Topping.descendants()

which creates topping_desc as a set of class names. It seems like a simple problem but I looked at the documentation and I'm not seeing how to extract all classes in topping_desc from onto in a format that I can save with save().

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Extracting/saving ontology subset


I'm sorry, but Owlready has currently no methods for automatic extraction...

However, if you have a list of entities to extract, you can extract the triples using RDFlib, as follows:

import rdflib
g = default_world.as_rdflib_graph()
triples = list(g.triples((my_entity.iri, None, None))

and then write the triples in NTriple format.

Best regards,