So I created an ontology and some classes contain equivalent_to properties for example:
class Effector(SmallMolecule):
equivalent_to = [SmallMolecule & (role.value(chebi.Effector) | role.value(i_chebi.Effector))]
From this, I build/save the ontology.
However, when I load again and attempt to use the ontology I get SPARQL query results like:
[ufabo.role.value(None), 29, '
I assume this is because certain identifiers are unbound thus why
ufabo.role.value(None) is not something like: ufabo.role.value(chebi.CHEBI:35224)
I think I need to add classes to my ontology that specific to these external ontology terms.
Therefore, the question is:
How do I add a class referencing a term within a different ontology into my ontology?
I would expect something like
<owl:Class rdf:about="
http://identifiers.org/chebi/CHEBI:35224"/>within the serialised rdf.
Any help is appreciated, also If you believe my reasoning is wrong please let me know I am not an expert with OWL or ontologies in general.