Error in saving ontology for Owlready2 0.20

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Error in saving ontology for Owlready2 0.20


I have upgraded the Owlready2 package from version 0.18 to 0.20 and now get a strange error when try to save any ontology. The Error is as follows:

"TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'"

Could you please help me.

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Re: Error in saving ontology for Owlready2 0.20

Yes, I was getting the same error. However, my reason maybe different from yours.

My Situation:

I had a data property that was data range expression {"name1", "name2"} in Protege to defined string as range. While this works in Protege, it does not work in Owlready2 0.20. Funnily, this used to work in Owlready2 .0.05.

Domain: Myclass
Range: {"name1", "name2"}

My workaround:

So, I had to sadly remove my range express to stop getting the error to:

Domain: Myclass
Range: xsd:string

It would be great to be able to use the range expression in Owlready2 again. :)

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Re: Error in saving ontology for Owlready2 0.20


I fixed the problem in the development version of Owlready on Bitbucket.

The problem was related to RDF lists with literal.

Babroo : I think your problem was similar and also involved RDF lists with literal. Coul dyou verify if the development version now works, please?
