EYE Reasoner + N3

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EYE Reasoner + N3

Hi Jean-Baptiste,

I'm considering using EYE reasoner in my workflow, combining it with Owlready 2.

While EYE works with N3 format, Owlready does not.
This requires ontologies to be parsed to N3 and back every time EYE is called, correct?

Is there a better way to connect Owlready and EYE (desktop version)?
If not, is there any particular parser you would recommend?


p.s. - wouldn't it be nice to have N3 format natively implemented in Owlready? ;)

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Re: EYE Reasoner + N3

Hi Rui,

> This requires ontologies to be parsed to N3 and back every time EYE is called, correct?

Yes. For the first part (producing N3), this is not a problem since NTriple is a subset of N3. Thus any NTriple file is a valid N3 file. So NTriple files produced by Owlready should be OK pour EYE.

The second part (N3 parser) requires to write a dedicated parser. Implementing N3 in Owlready would be a nice addition, but I'm very short on time currently... Any contributions are welcomed, though ;)

An alternative is transform N3 files in NTriple or RDF/XML. I think this can be done in Java with OWL API.

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13
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Re: EYE Reasoner + N3

Hi Jean-Baptiste

Thanks for the reply.

> An alternative is transform N3 files in NTriple or RDF/XML. I think this can be done in Java with OWL API.

I guess RDFLib could be used to parse RDF/XML files to N3 and serialize N3 back to RDF/XML (or just this last part).
I will give it a try.

Best regards,
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Re: EYE Reasoner + N3


> I guess * RDFLib <https://rdflib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html>
> *could be used to parse RDF/XML files to N3 and serialize N3 back to RDF/XML

Yes, I think it can do the job too!

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13