You can create an ontology dynamically with Owlready.
You can create classes dynamically, from a class name and a list of superclasses (see doc here:
http://owlready2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/class.html#creating-classes-dynamically ).
Then, you can add some class construct to the class, for example:
For intersection, you can use the & operator, or the And([...]) construct:
Class.is_a.append(property.some(Other_Class) & property2.some(Other_Class2))
Class.is_a.append(And([property.some(Other_Class), property2.some(Other_Class2)]))
Both lines are equivalent, however the And([...]) version is possibly easier to use when creating classes dynamically.
Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13
> I want to write Descriptive Logic dynamically for several classes. I'm using
> intersection in the DL. I find some examples in owlapi but not in owlready.
> Can anyone help with this??
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