I have the folowing:
onto = get_ontology('file://' + settings.ONTOLOGY_DIR + "UseCaseAssignmentASE2020.owl").load(reload = True,
reload_if_newer = True)
and the base_iri is file://
However, when I run the same line else where in my code:
onto = get_ontology('file://' + settings.ONTOLOGY_DIR + "UseCaseAssignmentASE2020.owl").load(reload = True,
reload_if_newer = True)
the base_iri is
http://www.semanticweb.org/imano/ontologies/2020/1/untitled-ontology-13#I created the ontology in Protege and I am using Owlready2 to asset individual facts in the ontology.
Why is the second load using the
http://www.semanticweb.org/imano/ontologies/2020/1/untitled-ontology-13# instead of file://
pathtofilesystem\UseCaseAssignmentASE2020.owl# for the base_iri?