Creating individuals produces duplicate of class in Ontology Editor

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Creating individuals produces duplicate of class in Ontology Editor

Hi guys, I hope I don’t create annoyance to you.
I have a problem with the creation of an individual from a class. When I create an individual from a class, it’s created firstly a class as a subclass of Thing and then an other class with the same name with the individual in the Istances. I have used Protege and Fluent to see that. Is it possible to create an individual without a class and how is possible? How is possible to solve this problem? Can you write an example of short code? Is my ontology inconsistent?

Thanks to all for putting me in this beautiful family.
Thanks to all for the your availability and you time spending into answer to the questions.
Best regards.

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Re: Creating individuals produces duplicate of class in Ontology Editor


If I understand well, your class and your individual are not in the same ontology ? The class is in a first ontology, which is imported by a second one in which you create the individual ?
If so, it is normal that Protégé displays the class in the second ontology (because it is used), however, in should be displayed in non-bold font (on the contrary, classes created in the ontology are in bold).

If this is not your problem, could you send me some small ontology and/or Python code that reproduces this problem ?

Best regards,
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Remove duplicates

Dear Jiba,
Thanks for your continuous support. I have solved the problem, it was necessary to define the namespace and to incorporate the code inside so that the class is unique  and a subclass of Thing and the individual is a perfect istance of the class.

Best regards
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Re: Remove duplicates

Dear Hamico,

I am experiencing the same issue when trying to insert an individual dynamically into the corresponding subclasses; however, my code duplicates the subclass as a class with the inserted individual; would you mind sharing a snippet of your code that has resolved your issue,

Thank you,