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Creating a copies (instances) of a load ontology for each user

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Creating a copies (instances) of a load ontology for each user


I am aware that I can load an ontology that does not have any individuals for the classes. However, I am creating a python application that has the following classes:
    1 user
    2 project
    3 task
class relationships:
    The python application can have many users
    users can have many projects
    projects can have many tasks

When a user creates a project, I want the project to have its own copy of the ontology that individuals can be added to for each task. However, I do not want to a permanent copy of the ontology file created for each project, as the would require a lot of hard drive space if  too many users.
            User 1
                     Project - 1 (has its own copy of the ontology)
                                   Task 1
                                   Task 2

                     Project - 2 (has its own copy of the ontology)
            User 2
                     Project - 1 (has its own copy of the ontology)

                     Project - 2 (has its own copy of the ontology)
                                   Task 1
                                   Task 2

Also, if a user is running queries on a project, there should be no results from the other projects in the application.
How can I achieve something link this?
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Re: Creating a copies (instances) of a load ontology for each user

As I do not see a minimum space usage. I will  have to create a folder for each project for a user and add a copy the ontology to each folder.
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Re: Creating a copies (instances) of a load ontology for each user

If you store ontology in OWL file, you will need one file per ontology.

However, you can store the data in a Sqlite3 file. Doing so, every ontologies go into that file, solving the storage problem.

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF, LIMICS, Université Paris 13

> As I do not see a minimum space usage. I will  have to create a folder for
> each project for a user and add a copy the ontology to each folder.
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Re: Creating a copies (instances) of a load ontology for each user

Thank you.