Hi guys,
I have a question that troubles me. I want to have an element in input (object) to the SPARQL query so that I have as result a subject if I put the predicate static and the object dinamically.
Query = ’’’PREFIX...SELECT ?owner WHERE {?owner :has_bought :’’’ +name_car+”}”
Its result with reasoner is an empty field. Why? Can you write a simple example of dinamical creation of SPARQL query?
Then I want to have an owlready object from the result of SPARQL query. I have seen the method .query_owlready() on the answer of another question:
http://owlready.8326.n8.nabble.com/No-results-when-running-the-same-SPARQL-query-in-Owlready-compared-to-Protege-td528.html#a546How does this method work? Can you write an example of the method .query_owlready()?
Thanks to all for the support. I hope my question to have a solution and to be useful for others who have the same problems.
I wish a good weekend to all.
Best regards,
Your friend Hamico