By default, Owlready use "some" restrictions for class properties. You can change this behavior on a per-property basis, using the "class_property_type" annotation. You can set it either in Protégé (after importing the
http://www.lesfleursdunormal.fr/static/_downloads/owlready_ontology.owl ontology) or in Python, e.g. with onto.my_property.class_property_type = ["some", "only"]
The value must be a list, with a subset of the following values: "some", "only" and "relation" (for direct relation, as used in RDF). However, min/max/exactly are not yet supported as class property.
You can also access to all restrictions in .is_a (although more complex to handle). If you want to distinguish them by type (some/only/min/...), it is the only solution.