Can't iterate over a Numpy array while FTS on SNOMEDCT

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Can't iterate over a Numpy array while FTS on SNOMEDCT

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I have tried to iterate over a NumPy array containing the string for search. I can't append the returns of the FUnction call SNOMEDCT_US.Search() while iterating. can Some one help?
import pandas as pd
entities=df.iloc[:, 1:2].values
for row in entities:
I want to print this or save the search result to a particular Numpy array or something like that. How can I do that?
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Re: Can't iterate over a Numpy array while FTS on SNOMEDCT


Are you sure that you are getting Python string from the Pandas array ? And not NumPy datatypes ?

You may try :

Or verify the type of row.

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Re: Can't iterate over a Numpy array while FTS on SNOMEDCT

Yes I have done one hot encoding and done the search made it string and done the search. Nothing has given me result.