Can't access Ontology classes.

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Can't access Ontology classes.


I've been struggling for a while trying to access classes through owlready in python. I have successfully imported the ontology using onto = get_ontology("file://ontologies/AnnotDoc.owl").load(), however I can't access the classes.

Calling onto.Document or onto.sciDeo returns a noneType, however the command "list(onto.classes())" displays all of the classes, and one of the classes is sciDeo.Document.

Any idea what is wrong, either with the ontology or what I am doing wrong? Help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Can't access Ontology classes.


I think you need namespace, since you classes seem to be defined in a different namespace that the ontology: ontology IRI is file://ontologies/AnnotDoc.owl but your classes are prefixed with sciDeo?

See for namespace.

You can also use IRIS["http://full_iri"] to access your classes.

Best regards,
Jean-Baptiste Lamy
MCF HDR, Laboratoire LIMICS, Université Paris 13