Can anyone explain/show how I can create swrls in Owlready and the Sparql to query the inferred facts

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Can anyone explain/show how I can create swrls in Owlready and the Sparql to query the inferred facts

I see where the document explain how to create swrl rules, but I am not clear on how I can then query the inferred facts using SPARQL. I read about SQWRL, but it is not supported by Owlready. I tried creating swrl in Protege and run the SPARQL queries, but the no results were returned. Do the SPARQL in owlready2 uses a reasoner?
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Re: Can anyone explain/show how I can create swrls in Owlready and the Sparql to query the inferred facts


Here is a small example that shows how to use SWRL rule and then to query the results with Owlready and with SPARQL.


from owlready2 import *

onto = get_ontology("")

with onto:
  class Animal(Thing): pass
  class Bird(Animal): pass
  class Organ(Thing): pass
  class Wing(Organ): pass

  class has_organ(Animal >> Organ): pass
  t = Animal("t")
  imp = Imp()
  imp.set_as_rule("Animal(?a), Wing(?o), has_organ(?a, ?o) -> Bird(?a)")


graph = default_world.as_rdflib_graph()
?b <> <> .
} """)))
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Re: Can anyone explain/show how I can create swrls in Owlready and the Sparql to query the inferred facts

Hi Jiba,

Thank you. I actually figured it out prior to your answer. I was planning to run some more tests before posting my solution.