Building Knowledge Base with Owlready

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Building Knowledge Base with Owlready

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Once I have the ontology for a project built with Protege, for example, that has some classes, object properties and data properties. Do I have to create the associated classes, properties in Python in order to be able to add instances of ontology to the knowledge base (i.e., RDF triples with values)? Or I can load the ontology file and start adding instances directly?

For example, in RDFLib, I can load the ontology to a graph and start adding instances to it directly without having to create classes and properties corresponding to those defined in the ontology.
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Re: Building Knowledge Base with Owlready


You can create instances of the class without creating a Python class for them.

Creating a class in Python is only needed is you want to modify the class or to add Python methods to it.

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Re: Building Knowledge Base with Owlready

Thank you very much Jiba. Your answers always to the point.