Automatically concept creation by logical operations

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Automatically concept creation by logical operations


I was wondering whether it is possible to operate the following computations:

Provided that  a class A, class B and a relation R exist, I would like to create/generate new class that may have the following forms

1) A AND B, A OR B, notA and B, ..., Forall R.A, Exist R.(A OR B) etc.

2) Following (1), I would like each newly created class contains individuals belonging to such class.

I have spent some time in the documentation and source code but failed to perform (1) and (2).

Kind regards,

Caglar Demir

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Re: Automatically concept creation by logical operations


Owlready allows the creation of all usual OWL constructs, including restrictions (i.e. Forall / Exist) and logical operations (or, and, not).

See the doc here :

Constructs are not Python classes, so they cannot be instanciated directly. But you can create an individual of an "anonymous" construct as follows:

class A(Thing): pass
class B(Thing): pass

individual = Thing()
individual.is_a.append(A & B)
