AttributeError when saving ontologies

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AttributeError when saving ontologies

Hello together,

I tried to save (multiple) ontologies (which are in different files) and received the error:

AttributeError: module 'test_onto' has no attribute 'storid'

In the following the exemplary code:

File 1
from owlready2 import *

causes_onto = get_ontology("")

with test_onto:

    class Test(Thing):

Main File
from owlready2 import *

import test_onto

overall = get_ontology("")


overall .save(file="overall _onto", format="rdfxml")

What did I do wrong or understood wrongly? Is it possible to store all ontologies separately?

Thanks in advance for your help.
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Re: AttributeError when saving ontologies


With Owlready, ontologies are not modules (although they somehow behave like module as they contain classes), so you should not get the error "module 'test_onto' has no attribute 'storid'".

Maybe there is a confusion between a Python module named "test_onto" and an ontology with the same name ? "import test_onto" imports a Python module, therefore, test_onto is NOT an ontology.

If you want to access test_onto.owl in two files, you can use "get_ontology("")" in both, it will return the same ontology (not two different ones).
