Associating a Python module to an OWL ontology

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Associating a Python module to an OWL ontology

I want to associate a python module to my ontology in PROTEGE 4 but I haven't understood how to do that.
Could you please tell me the steps to do it?
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Re: Associating a Python module to an OWL ontology


First, you need to import the owlready ontology in your ontology (it corresponds to the file named "owlready_ontology.owl" in Owlready2 sources).

Second, you need to add a "python_module" annotation on your ontology. The value of the annotation is the name of the Python module to import.

Third, you need to create that Python module and to make it available to Python in PYTHON_PATH or sys.path.

Details are here:

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Re: Associating a Python module to an OWL ontology

It's very clear now, thank you so much.