In the "Owlready2 Documentation, Release 0.10", in "1.9.1 Adding an annotation", we can read:
Special pseudo-properties are provided for annotating is-a relations (owl_subclassof and rdf_type), domains (rdf_domain) and ranges (rdf_range).
But when we execute the following code:
comment[Drug, owl_subclassof, Thing] = 'A comment on a is-a relation'
There is this exception:
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-20-5160c4976f59> in <module>()
----> 1 comment[Drug, owl_subclassof, Thing] = 'A comment on a is-a relation'
NameError: name 'owl_subclassof' is not defined
The pseudo-property should not be?:
rdfs_subclassof (cf.
and the code?:
comment[Drug, rdfs_subclassof, Thing] = 'A comment on a is-a relation' ["rdfs_subclassof" is defined in Owlready2, it works without exception]