An issue with SPARQL query result

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An issue with SPARQL query result

Hi all,

I am new to Owlready2 and trying to query my ontology with SPARQL. However, I am not able to gain anything from the query. For example, the following query

g = default_world.as_rdflib_graph()

query_string = '''
SELECT ?a ?b
        ?a ?b "true"^^xsd:boolean.}'''

r = g.query(query_string)

should at least return some results (the same query string is tested with Stardog). This only happens when boolean value is involved. Is there anyway to make this work?

Kind regards,

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Re: An issue with SPARQL query result


You are right, there was a bug on boolean in Owlready's RDFlib support (and thus affecting SPARQL).

I've just fixed the bug in the development version.

As a work-around, you can also remove the boolean type in your request:

query_string = '''
SELECT ?a ?b
WHERE {?a ?b "true".}'''

Best regards,
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Re: An issue with SPARQL query result

Thanks! It works as expected. I will try the development version out soon.

Kind regards,


On 26 Nov 2018, at 18:12, Jiba [via Owlready] <[hidden email]> wrote:


You are right, there was a bug on boolean in Owlready's RDFlib support (and thus affecting SPARQL).

I've just fixed the bug in the development version.

As a work-around, you can also remove the boolean type in your request:

query_string = '''
SELECT ?a ?b
WHERE {?a ?b "true".}'''

Best regards,

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