Hello everybody
I need to add comments on object properties between individuals. I discovered it was possible using Protege, by doing the following :
1) select the individual (source of the object property)
2) go to 'Property assertions'
3) on the desired object property, click on the icon 'Annotations' and enter you annotation (e.g. a comment)
When I save my file, it gives me something like this : (source_indiv and target_indiv are the source and the target individuals of the object property)
<owl:annotatedSource rdf:resource="<source_indiv_IRI>"/>
<owl:annotatedProperty rdf:resource="<object_property_IRI>"/>
<owl:annotatedTarget rdf:resource="<target_indiv_IRI>"/>
<rdfs:comment rdf:datatype="
Now the questions are to achieve this with OWLReady2 in Python:
1) How to retrieve this information? I tried the method general_axioms but could not find it. I presume that general axioms are the ones defined on the classes and not the individuals.
2) Is there a way to create such an object ,i.e. Axiom, (like we could create an annotation for an individual), but on an object property between two individuals ?
I had a look on the files provided in OwlReady2 library (individuals.py, annotations.py), but I could not find anything on this subject.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Have a good day.
Best regards,