Access to classes

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Access to classes


first thanks for keeping this forum

I've read the previous post about classes but I can't understand how to access classes in owl :

I load my ontology:
(1) onto = get_ontology("root-ontology.owl").load()

When I try to visualize what is in it it works well :
(2) print(list(onto.classes())[:10])

but I don't understand if the names returned by (2) are the labels of the classes or their name
it looks like this : root-ontology.__class_name__

I read about Namespaces so I tried to load the iris base :
(3) obo = onto.get_namespace(onto.base_iri)

But I can't access classes by obo either.

My goal is pretty simple, I want to access parents or children of a given class.

Thanks a lot, have a good week,

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Re: Access to classes


If your classes are in the OBO namespace, you need to create the namespace with the OBO IRI, e.g.:

obo = get_namespace("")

then you can do obo.classname.

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Re: Access to classes

I also lost a bit of time on this as well. Considering how common it will be to load obo ontologies, I think it would be helpful to have an example of this in the "Introduction" section of the documentation.
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Re: Access to classes

